St. Augustine EcoCinema - CANCELED
"Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch"
St. Augustine EcoCinema - CANCELED
"Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch"
DateApr 07, 2020
Event Starts7:00 PM
Doors Open6:00PM
St. Augustine EcoCinema - CANCELED
"Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch"
Event Details
Event Update as of March 16:
Following updated CDC, state and local public health guidelines surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we regret that we must cancel the April 7 EcoCinema screening of "Plastic Paradise."
We hope to announce a rescheduled date for this screening very soon and we appreciate your patience as we all work together to safely navigate through this unprecedented situation.
Join The Green Hands Initiative, St. Augustine Film Society, The Golden Way and Beaches Go Green for a screening of the documentary "Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch." Presented by St. Augustine EcoCinema: A Four-Part Environmental Film Series, this event takes place on the Front Porch of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre and is free and open to the public.
“Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” is the multiple award-winning independent documentary that chronicles Angela Sun's personal journey of discovery to one of the most remote places on Earth, Midway Atoll, to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Along the way, she encounters scientists, celebrities, legislators and activists who shed light on what our society's vast consumption of disposable plastic is doing to our oceans – and what it may be doing to our health.
The Front Porch is made possible by the generous support of Canan Law. Seating on the Front Porch is first come, first seated. All ages are welcome to this free event. Local organizations and food trucks will be onsite.
The St. Augustine EcoCinema is sponsored by the Friends of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre and Maritime Creative.
Additional Ticket Information
This event is FREE and open to the public, no ticket necessary! Seating on the Front Porch is first come, first seated. All ages are welcome to this free event.
Related Links
Movie Trailer
About The St. Augustine EcoCinema Series
The St. Augustine EcoCinema Series is a four-part film series addressing the environmental topics of plastic pollution, rising sea levels, food waste and marine habitat destruction.
The documentaries will be shown on the Front Porch at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre beginning at 7pm, followed by a question and answer session with local experts. Local organizations will also be on hand to answer questions and share information on ways to positively address these four areas of environmental concern. All four film screenings are free and open to the public with free parking at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre.
The St. Augustine EcoCinema is sponsored by the Friends of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre and Maritime Creative.