
In an effort to ensure that only great memories are what remain after the show,
The St. Augustine Amphitheatre introduced the Green Hands initiative.

Green Hands

Live events can create large quantities of waste - from thousands of plastic cups to palettes of cardboard, tons of leftover food, to hours of inefficient energy use. Established in 2014, our Green Hands initiative is dedicated to conserving valuable resources and reducing the ecological footprint of concert venues and live events.

Green Hands Commitments

Green Hands strives to eliminate unnecessary waste, minimize adverse impacts on our cherished resources, and empower other venues and communities to adopt sustainable practices. To accomplish these goals, Green Hands is governed by the following five commitments:

Interested in Being a Green Hand?


Green Hands welcomes volunteers who are committed to conservation! Please complete the application linked below to apply and send us an email.

More Info

Community Partner

If your organization would like to explore partnership or educational opportunities with Green Hands, please use the link below to send us an email.

When Visiting The Amp

  • Bring your own empty, clear, reusable water bottle to fill (and refill) at the filtered water stations throughout the venue. Single-use plastic, metal and glass containers are not permitted.
  • Reuse your Tervis or Amp Cup for $1 off all refills.
  • Walk, bike, or carpool to events.